Know your neighbors
After working out of my home office for past several years the time has come to get an office. It is not an easy decision to make being small IT Services business owner since it requires additional expenses but the most importantly, next to cost, is where will your office will be. I settled on Pontiac, Michigan which has finally came out of state’s control in past year. The advantages of up and coming city is being one of the first computer services providers, growing with the city, contributing to the city’s renaissance and meeting like-minded people who sees it as a worthy investment. The place I ended in is Riker Building on 35 W. Huron St in Pontiac which is a beautiful almost a hundred year old building in downtown.
The next question to ask yourself is who’s your neighbors? With smile on face I learned that two of the floors are occupied by Pete Karmanos’ companies like Lenderful, Deliver My Ride and Mad Dog Technologies. If a successful entrepreneur decided that this is worthy investment this underscores my decision as a right one even more. And from what I understand they’re aiming to bring up to 150 people into the building. In addition to Mr. Karmanos’ businesses I met other neighbors like Unified Communications, LC who’s been providing hosted PBX services for years, then I met a staff of Michigan Works who’s been helping people of Michigan for many years now to get back on track after losing their job or who’s been hit by hard times and is in need of additional employment, change of employment, or just to use a PC connected to internet to send out the resumes.
Always keep in mind that we’re here for your computer, design and marketing needs. We are happy to help with an answer to your question or a service call. We do understand that not all of you are able to afford a full-time IT person on staff so if you need we can come on scheduled basis to address your needs or help you if something happened with your laptop or your computer or your server or the network.
Thank you for your time, I’m looking forward to expand more in my next blog.
Mike Starobinsky,
Sr. Systems Engineer
Maxwill Solutions
Maxwill Marketing